As promised, here are the 64 bit builds of PHP 5.3.6 for Windows. PHP 5.3.6 was released about 12 days ago (17 March 2011) and includes a number of security and bug fixes (Changelog). Wanted to post this earlier but didn’t have the time to compile and test it.
Anyway, I noticed that the mcrypt extension is now a static extension and so there will be no php_mcrypt.dll file. If you copy over your old php.ini file, be sure to comment out the “extension=php_mcrypt.dll” line (in case you were using this extension and had that line uncommented).
VC9 x64 Thread Safe
CRC32: 7721568E
MD5: B54501752E8B0BFF821B7D5492001E11
SHA1: 48A60C0BC79898C2033EC4F0337A55534FA4C4FA
CRC32: 269853DE
SHA1: 5B395461DB669342AEF38340822AC9FEC4C989B4
Additional Extensions
The pecl archives below contain the following extensions: APC 3.1.6, memcache 2.2.6, pecl_http 1.7.0 and pdflib 2.1.8. The pdflib extension was compiled with PDFLib 8.0.2p3 and you will need this pdflib.dll file to use it. (Thread Safe) (Non Thread Safe) (Thread Safe)